English at St Gerard's
English Subject Leader: Mrs R. Johnson
The teaching of English at St Gerard’s is designed to instil in children a love of speaking and listening, reading and writing that will last them a lifetime! In order to engage fully with the curriculum, and to achieve the higher levels of written and spoken communication expected in the world today, literacy skills must be carefully nurtured. St Gerard’s Catholic Primary & Nursery School aims to ensure that all of our children are given the learning opportunities to achieve their full potential, in all areas of English.
We believe that the development of language skills in our pupils is critical to their future, and to their ability to be happy and successful in life. We are committed to ensuring that pupils learn to enjoy reading, writing and speaking, to appreciate the world of books, and to feel to pleasure in writing creatively. Giving pupils the key skills in English enables them to access material in all curriculum areas, and provides a foundation for their learning throughout their school career and beyond!
Our curriculum is designed using the 'Pathways to Write' programme, which exposes children to a range of high quality texts that capture their imagination and provide exciting opportunities for writing. Covering a wide range of genres, children are given a wide range of purposes to write, which allow them to build upon the skills they have learnt in previous years. The progressive programme allows children the time to build writing stamina and practice key curriculum objectives in order for them to write coherently and in a wide range of different contexts.
Outside of the 'Pathways to Write' programme, we strive to give our children a wide range of experiences and trips that provide opportunities for them to write about their personal experiences. From diary entries on over night residential trips, to recounts of trips to the theatre or the zoo, children are given the chance to write about things that they have personal understanding of.
From the moment they enter school in our EYFS setting, children are immersed in books! Our curriculum hinges on high quality texts that engage and excite children and build a language rich learning environment. Our youngest learners begin to learn to read using the Read Write Inc SSP programme, building their sound knowledge and fluency for reading. Interventions are provided at the point of learning through the RWInc 1:1 tutoring programme to support learners who have gaps in their sound knowledge. As the children move through the school, they continue to build their fluency and comprehension skills in daily guided reading sessions using the Bug Club resources. This is also supported using at home reading materials targeting the children's individual reading level.
We have regular visits to the local library as well as welcoming the Library Education Service's book bus! We aim to create a passion for reading that children can take into their adult lives. Children in the older year groups are keen to volunteer to be 'Reading Rockstars' - leading the children in lunchtime reading for pleasure clubs and supporting the younger children on their reading journeys.
Throughout both reading and writing lessons, staff model the high standards we have for children. The pupils are encouraged and supported, whatever their ability level, to achieve to the best of their abilities and be confident in their skills!
At St Gerard's we are always growing and developing, our curriculum moves with the cohorts and pupil needs and we aim to ignite a passion for reading and writing in ALL of our learners by the time they leave us for secondary school! Our supportive, caring ethos provides children with the opportunity to experiment with language and genre, to step out of their comfort zone and to achieve to their greatest potential. Regular, ongoing assessment of learning allows gaps in knowledge to be addressed quickly and effectively to support and enable success for each child. Children are given the skills to communicate effectively across the curriculum, both verbally and in written form. Their successes are celebrated and respected by their peers. Our children leave us with literacy skills that will allow them to be succesful and happy in their adult lives!