Class 5 - Miss Rodgers 2024 - 2025
Miss Rodgers
Welcome to Class 5
Miss Rodgers and Miss Bennett
We are excited to start the new term and we hope that you are well rested and eager to learn. We have some exciting topics and a range of fun activities planned.
Over the next term, our topics will be Exploring Scandinavia and ‘The Invaders – Vikings to Vistiors’. We will be covering aspects of history, geography, art, PSHE, computing and DT. English and maths skills will also be applied to our topics.
History & Geography
In Geography Children Children will focus on Scandinavia by identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features and land-use patterns, and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time.
During the second half of the term, we will be answering the question, ‘How different were the Vikings? Through looking at this questions, we will learn about a significant turning point in British History and how Britain changed.
Throughout the year, we will be incorporating vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling into all lessons. This half term we will be focusing on recounts, diary entries and traditional tales. We will focus on the texts ‘ Queen of the falls’ and ‘The lost happy endings’
This term we will be focussing on Number and Place Value. As well fluency skills, the children will regularly be using their reasoning and problem-solving skills to solve mathematical problems and challenges.
Throughout the Autumn term, we will also look at Addition and Subtraction, and Multiplication and Division. Children will be constantly applying their learning using problem-solving in real life contexts to develop a mastery approach to mathematics.
During the autumn term, we will be focusing on the theme: Domestic Church - Family through the topic of 'Ourselves'. During this topic children will learn about how we are created in the image and likeness of God. The children will also be looking at the themes, Life Choices and Hope. All subjects and teaching will reflect our Catholic ethos.
During our weekly lessons, there will be lots of opportunities for practical investigations to develop our scientific knowledge. This term, we will be focusing on looking at the topics, Life Cycles and Changes and Reproduction’.
Homework will be given out on a Friday (remotely) and should be completed by the following Thursday. This will consist of spellings, timetables and relevant activities (linking to what we have been learning). Maths will be set on Please message on Class Dojo if you're child has forgotten their username and password.
Please encourage your child to read at home as this is important to their overall progress. At home, children should be reading at least 3 times per week but it is beneficial for them to read as much as they can.
Important Information
P.E- The children will have P.E on a Thursday each week. Please make sure that your child wears their P.E kit on this day.
Asthma inhalers/medication must be handed in to the office with the appropriate paper work and will be administered in class as necessary. You will be informed if your child has used their inhaler during the day.
If you have any questions and would like to speak to your class teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the office to arrange an appointment with Miss Rodgers
Please check the school website, twitter and newsletters for any unpcoming events. Please also check the parent app for any trips that your child will be going on. Keep an eye on our school twitter page (@StGerardsWidnes) to see what your child has been up to.
Thank you,
Miss Rodgers and Miss Bennett
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