Class 4 - Miss McCook 2024 - 2025
Miss McCook
Welcome to Class 4
Miss McCook (Teacher), Miss Bennett (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Mousdell (Teaching Assistant)
Spring Term 2025
During our English lessons, we will be focusing on two different texts, Escape to Pompeii and Wisp:A Story of Hope. Children will develop their reading and writing skills through creating a historical and fiction narrative.
We begin the Spring Term by exploring Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter and Fractions. We will continue to build our fluency of times tables in preparation for our Multiplication Check in June 2025.
In Science, we will be focusing on two topics, Sound and Electricity. Children will be given lots of opportunties to develop their skills through observing, predicting and investigating a range of scientific enquiries.
Topic 4: Community
Topic 5: Giving and Receiving
Topic 6: Self Discipline
We will continue with our daily Prayer and Liturgy sessions, spending time together reflecting on God's word.
Important Information
The children will have P.E on a Thursday each week. Please make sure that your child wears their P.E kit on this day.
Homework will be given each week. Spelling task, times table task and home reading will be set each week. Your child is expected to log onto TTRockstars at least once a week. Children are expected to read at least three times a week.
Please message on Class Dojo, if you're child has forgotten their username and password. Please encourage your child to read at home as this is important to their overall progress.
Asthma inhalers/medication must be handed in to the office with the appropriate paper work and will be administered in class as necessary. You will be informed if your child has used their inhaler during the day.
If you have any questions and would like to speak to your class teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the office to arrange an appointment with Miss McCook.
Please check the school website, twitter and newsletters for any unpcoming events. Please also check the parent app for any trips that your child will be going on. Keep an eye on our school twitter page (@StGerardsWidnes) to see what your child has been up to.
Thank you,
Miss McCook, Miss Bennett and Mrs Mousdell
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