Little Explorers - 2 year old provision at St Gerard's.
A huge welcome to 'Little Explorers' at St. Gerard's Catholic Primary and Nursery School.
Little Explorers is our most recent addition to our Early Years Foundation Stage department. Exclusively for two year olds, we are offering high quality provision for up to ten children in both morning and afternoon sessions.
Our Early Years Lead Mrs Tickle oversees the provision and it is led daily by our Lead Practitioner Mrs King and supported by MIss Ho. Both are experienced members of staff, whom we have gladly welcomed into our EYFS team.
MORNING SESSION: 8:40am-11:40am
AFTERNOON SESSION: 12:20pm-3:20pm
The government are funding 15hours of childcare, which is the equivalent of 5 morning or 5 afternoon sessions for your two year old.
We are fortunate enough to be able to offer you an additional 15 hours for an incredible price of just £65. This would enable your child to have a full time place in our provision. They would stay in school from 8:40am-3:20pm.
If you are interested in registering your chid for a place, or you would like to take a look around the provison, then please call the school office for more information on 0151 424 2879. You will be very welcome to come and look around, see both our classroom and outdoor provision too.
We believe that by dressing your child in a uniform, it aids the transition into a new EYFS experience. As you dress your child the conversation begins, about where you're going, what you'll be doing, what they can look forward to and experience and when you'll be reunited.
By dressing in a uniform, the children are all equal and much valued members of our school community. Uniform also offers clear practicality for you as parents each day. No time being wasted on what to dress your child in, or what clothes you don't want spoiling!
Our uniform for two year olds is kept simple, to ensure toileting changes can be carried out quickly and easily.
Our Little Explorers wear the following:
St. Gerard's school jumper / cardigan
White Polo shirt
Black jogging bottoms
Black school shoes (velcro fastening)
Waterproof coat with hood
As most children will transition from our Little Explorers provision into our school nursery class when they turn three years old, these items of uniform will all be put to good use in the nursery class too.
Each day your child will need to bring the following with them, so they are prepared for their session:
A water bottle labelled with their name
A waterproof coat with a hood
A bag containing their nappies/pullups, wipes and nappy sacks.
We look forward to welcoming your two year old into our St.Gerard's family, via your child's admission to Little Explorers.