Class 6 - Mr McCabe 2024 - 2025
Mr McCabe
Welcome to Class 6.
Our topic for this spring term is 'Antarctica - Extreme Explorers' which will be central to all of our learning.
In English, we will be focussing on non-fictional, formal writing through reading 'Ice Trap' and then we will look creating letter writing through readijg all about war and conflict 'The Day War Came'.
This term, as mathematicians, we will focus on Ratio, Algebra, Decimals, Area and Perimeter. In class, we use White Rose Maths to deliver our daily maths lessons.
This term we will be looking at ‘Sources’. We will then explore “Death and New Life”. The experience of community is an essential and enjoyable part of life for people of every age and faith. We will then focus on 'The Pentecost'.
We will be studying "Evolution and Inheritance' learning about how fossils help us understand how life has evolved millions of years ago. We will then move on to 'Adaptations' by looking at how animals have adapted to suit their environment and moicroorganisms.
For more detail on the learning taking place this term, please see our curriculum leaflet below.
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Important Information:
PE is every Tuesday afternoon so please ensure your child has their full school PE kit with them.
- Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. This will consist of Bug Club reading, times tables/ariithmetic and My Maths tasks.
- Asthma inhalers/medication must be handed in to the office with the appropriate paper work and will be administered in class as necessary. You will be informed if your child has used their inhaler during the day.
Please check the school website, Dojo, and newsletters for any unpcoming events. Please, also check the Parent App for any trips that your child will be going on. Keep an eye on our school twitter page (@StGerardsWidnes) to see what your child has been up to.
Please use the learning links below. The Maths Year 6 booster document has just been added - look in the 'files to download' section!
Learning Links