Reception - Miss Wells 2024 - 2025
Miss Wells
Welcome to Reception at St Gerard's Catholic Primary & Nursery School
A very warm welcome to our school. For those who haven't been with us in Nursery can I take this opportunity to wish you a warm 'St Gerard's Welcome'. We are really excited about working with you and your child through out the year and can not wait to show you all of the exciting things Reception have been up to.
My name is Miss Wells and I am the Art & Design and Design & technology Lead here at St Gerard's. Alongside myself, we have Miss Mac- our wonderful Classroom Assistant. On a Tuesday, Reception will be taught by Mrs Farrell.
In Reception, we will be continuing the experiences the children have had in Nursery and developing their independence even further. During this year the children will experience; visiting the local community, going on a school trip, taking part in PE sessions and getting to know one and other.
Please ensure that all of their uniform is clearly labelled with your child's name. Whilst the children are encouraged to look after their belongings sometimes bits and pieces go missing. If they are labelled we can return them to their rightful owners.
Children will be invited into school, via the playground gate, from 8:40am and will leave via the same door at the end of the day at 3:15pm.
If you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to; call the school office, send a message via Class Dojo or wait at the end of the school day.
Spring Term 2025
This term we will be exploring the themes of Winter, Pets, Chinese New. Year, Noah's Ark and Mothers' Day. During focused learning time, children will be using their skills taught from their time in Nursery in their independent play. We will be challenging the children to become more independent with their self-help needs and acknowledging those who continue to try and complete activities for themselves.
As the year develops, we will be planning our Spring Term visit - once we have more information we will let you know.
As always, please continue to keep your eye on our Class Dojo story for more information about our learning.
Read, Write Inc - Phonics
In Reception, we teach the children ‘Read, Write Inc’. This is a Phonics programme designed to teach the children the sounds and the skills to read.
Interactive Resources:
Please click on the following image to be taken to some interactive resources that will support and engage your child at home.
Important Information:
- PE will be every Tuesday, children will be invited to come into school in their PE kit and will remain in their kit all day.
- Water bottles must be clearly labelled with a name - please ensure that there is only water (not juice) in their bottle. Sipping this throughout the day is detriment to the children's teeth.
- Snack will be provided by school and children will also recieve free milk.
- Please send, via Class Dojo, photographs of what your child has been learning at home - this will support us to make an accurate picture of your child in terms of attainment.
- Please ensure your child's book bag is in school every day. We will change reading books once the previous one is returned to school.
Please click on the pictures below to be taken to the following online resources.
Please click on the following videos to support your child's learning and development.
10 things to think about when reading to your child:
How to say the sounds in phonics:
Reading the bouncy sounds with your child:
Reading the stretchy sounds with your child:
Understanding phonics:
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Reception - Miss Wells: Calendar items
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