Class 1 - Miss Sanders 2024 - 2025
Miss Sanders
Welcome to Year 1!
Below you will find some information about what we will be studying in the spring term. If you have any questions then please contact us via Class Dojo.
From Miss Sanders & Miss Evans
Spring Term 2025
Children will access daily Read Write Inc. phonics sessions each morning. In English, children will continue to develop their phonics and reading knowledge whilst exploring a range of texts through Pathways to Write. Within English lessons, children will look at a range of genres including poetry, narrative writing and non-fiction writing. These genres will be stand along or link with our overarching topics where appropriate.
We will continue to support the children with simple sentence writing as well as basic grammar such as use of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will focus on grammar such as suffixes and will begin to demarcate sentences with question marks and exclamation marks. Through reading high quality texts, children will develop their vocabulary skills so that they can use a wide range of interesting vocabulary within their own writing! During the spring term, we will study the texts 'The Lion Inside' and 'The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth'.
In Maths, we will study 2D and 3D shapes, numbers to 20 and addition and subtraction within 20. In the second half of the spring term, we will study numbers to 50 and measurement (length/height and mass/capacity). To enhance our maths studies, children will also complete daily 'Mastering Number' sessions to consolidate prior learning and embed basic maths skills.
In Science, our topic will be 'Identifying Animals'. We will identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will recognise animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and will describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals. Across the whole term, children will also study seasonal changes in winter and spring.
During the spring term, we will continue to use the new Religious Education Directory 'To Know You More Clearly'.
Our RE topics for this term are:
Branch 3- Galilee to Jerusalem
Branch 4- Desert to Garden
We will also continue with our daily Prayer and Liturgy sessions, spending time together reflecting on God's word.
Geography and History
During the first half of autumn term, our topic in Geography will be 'Animals Around The World' and within this, we will study animals in hot and cold places around the world, as well as in our local area. In the second half of autumn term, our History topic will be 'Homes in the Past' where we will look at features of Victorian homes and compare them to modern homes.
Useful links to support learning at home
The following links are to useful websites for children to engage with at home, to consolidate what they have been learning in school!
- Important Information -
- The school day starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm.
- Anyone who arrives once the main gates are closed will have to come through the office and be signed in.
- PE will be every Thursday. On this day, children will come into school in their PE kits and will wear them for the whole day. Please ensure your child is wearing their school PE kit, not own clothes. If your child needs an inhaler, this MUST be in school at all times.
- Please ensure that any medication/inhalers are handed into the office with the appropriate paperwork. This will then be administered throughout the day as necessary.
- Home reading books and homework will be given out/changed every Friday. Children should read their book 3 times per week with an adult and have their reading diary signed.
- The children should bring a water bottle into school with them daily. This should be filled with water, not juice! Fruit is provided for the children daily, however, if the children would like to bring in their own snack they can - as long as it is fruit. No cereal bars, crisp, chocolate etc. are allowed.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Sanders via the Class Dojo app.
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