The Very Hungry Caterpillar- April 2018
Date: 16th Apr 2018 @ 12:02pm
‘On Monday he ate through one apple...’
Today we listened to the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children sat and listened to the story and joined in with the repeated refrain ‘but he was still hungry.’ The children asked questions about the caterpillar and which was healthy and not healthy.
This week we are exploring this story and learning all about minibeasts. The children will be; counting caterpillars, building caterpillars, looking for mini-beasts and writing their name.
Have a a look at the following YouTube link of the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
The caterpillar turned into the most beautiful butterfly...
During our science lesson on Thursday Nursery made their own edible ‘lifecycle’ of a butterfly. The children used familiar sweets to illustrate the 4 stages. Of course their favourite part was eating them at the end.
During our science lesson we received a mysterious parcel...
We can not wait to watch our little friends grow and turn into this space!