Mr Wolf's Pancakes - March 2019
Date: 1st Mar 2019 @ 6:52pm
'Mr Wolf's Pancakes'
Next week we will be exploring the story 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes.' During our learning time we will be exploring lent and the story behind 'Shrove Tuesday'.
Today Nursery asked members of staff what topping they would like on their pancake. The children made marks on their clipboard to find out the most popular topping.
During choose time, the children took turns to make pancakes and flip them on the smartboard. Fantastic independent use of the computer.
On Shrove Tuesday we made pancakes and had our own pancake race! The children had a great time running around the tyre park with their pan.
During number time we made our own pictogram. The children used their faces to find out the most popular topping in Nursery. Can you guess which one the children liked the most?