Billy's Bucket - June 2019
Date: 23rd Jun 2019 @ 9:45pm
“Billy's Bucket!”
This week, during group time, we are going to be exploring this wonderful story. Please come back to see our journey based upon this book.
This morning, during group tie, the chidlren explored the sensory table to explore lots of different 'sea-side themed' artifacts. Whilst playing with resources the chidlren discussed their experience of the beach and going on holidays. Look at their wonderful play.
During 'Welcome Time' the children were enthusiactic to get involved with our 'Under the Sea' themed 'Dough Disco'. We did lots and lots moving, patting, squdging and squashing.
If you are working on a computer/tablet this week, feel free to try our 'Underwater Counting Activity'. Click on the picture to be taken to the game. Enjoy - happy swimming!
On Tuesday wer started with our 'Squish the Fish' Yogo session. Again another exciting morning with lots of fantastic moves.
Following on from the children's interests we explored what it was like a long time ago at the beach. The children used old photographs to compare and talk about what was different. The children were fascintated by the 'Punch & Judy' puppets we had from the library and even used their own puppets to create their own puppet shows.