The Bad Tempered Ladybird - April 2018
Date: 29th Apr 2018 @ 7:30pm
‘At 12 o’clock The Bad Tempered Ladybird met a...’
This week we are exploring the favourite Eric Carle story ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’. We are going to be visiting our very own Discovery Den and listening to different sounds of different minibeasts.
During Monday’s activities we took the children in small groups into the Discovery Den. We listened to sounds of insects and different wildlife noises. The children spotted the different insects in the tent and chatted between themselves about what they were.
On Tuesday Nursery had a delivery of ‘Insect Grassheads’. The children worked together to set them up and provide them with the right environment.
On Thursday Nursery listened to a range of minibeast poems and made Ladybird biscuits. The children used rolling pins to roll the icing and added chocolate drops to add the spots on the ladybirds back. These look yummy - not sure many made it home.
During our PE time we went to the big school hall and made movements like the characters in the story. We had lots of fun. Can you guess who we are?