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Firework Fun - November 2019

Date: 31st Oct 2019 @ 6:33pm

'Firework Fun'

This week we are going to be exploring our new topic 'Celebrations/Festivals'. During our first we are going to be completing our Diva Lamps, celebrating Bonfire Night and ending the week with Rememberance Day. 

Take a look at our challenges and come back later in the week to see what we have been up to.

Using our subscription at the Education Library Service, we have replenished our reading area with fantastic books linked to our topic - have a look at the selection we have below. 

During our focused learning time the children have been using the hammer and pins to create their own rockets and using different paint brushes to make marks in the glitter. 

Continuing our Festivals/Celebration theme the children worked collectively to complete their diva lamps. We are looking forward to putting candles inside them and lighting them.

Following on from Bonfire night the children enjoyed sharing pictures on Class Dojo regarding their experience at a bonfire and how they kept safe with fireworks and sparklers. Following on from our 'Sparks in the Sky' story we went into the hall and created movement to the song 'Firework by Katy Perry'. The children span, jumped and exploded in different ways whilst listening to the music. 

Contact Us

St Gerard's Catholic Primary and Nursery School

Lugsdale Road, Widnes, Cheshire, WA8 6DD

Office Manager: Miss J Gilbert

0151 424 2879

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